Was ist alexandra elbakyan?

Alexandra Elbakyan is a Kazakhstani computer programmer and the founder of Sci-Hub, a website that provides free access to thousands of scientific research papers. She was born in Almaty, Kazakhstan in 1988 and studied computer science at the Kazakh National Technical University.

Elbakyan created Sci-Hub in 2011 with the aim of making scientific research accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial status or institutional affiliations. The website uses a technique called "scholarly piracy" to bypass paywalls and provide free access to academic articles.

Her motivation for starting Sci-Hub came from her own struggles accessing scientific literature while studying in Kazakhstan, where many institutions had limited access to expensive subscription-based journals. Elbakyan believes that knowledge should be freely accessible to all, and has faced legal trouble and criticism from publishing companies for her actions.

Despite facing legal challenges, Alexandra Elbakyan has garnered support from many researchers and academics who appreciate the accessibility and convenience provided by Sci-Hub. Some see her as a pioneer in the open access movement, while others argue that her actions infringe on copyright laws and undermine the traditional publishing industry.